DreZ Book Addict

I love reading. My kindle and/or iPad go with me everywhere. I enjoy romance, erotica, suspense/mystery, thriller/horror and historicals. I'm a mood reader, so sometimes it's hard for me to pick my next book because I'll start reading and find myself getting bored. I'll have to try a few different genres until I figure out what I'm really in the mood for.
A Neutrino Walks Through a Bar - Moku

This story was absolutely adorable! I really wanted to shake Stiles and Derek and be like, HELLO... just admit you like each other already. Derek's family's not so subtle involvement was funny, especially his grandfather kidnapping Stiles and leaving him at the library. Emilia was too cute, and how Stiles didn't pick up on her hints is beyond me. The best part was the bromance between the Sheriff and Frederick (that was Derek's dad's name in this one, right?), and Stiles horrified reactions to it, and his inability to refrain from picturing a threesome between his dad and Derek's dad and mom.

A Strong Heart and a Nerve of Steel - lupinus, uraneia

This was a really cute story. I just wish it was longer. It wrapped up rather quickly, and it might have been nice to get a epilogue with the wedding, so we could see Stiles dad, the POTUS, interacting with the Hales.

Eat, Knot, Love - Pandabomb

Derek's social skills, or should I say lack thereof, are so adorable.  I have issues with social skills myself and prefer not to talk all that much, so I completely understand his hesitation.  This one had everything I love in my Sterek fanfic.  Anti-social and possessive Derek, chatty/nerdy Stiles, courting/dating, and SMUT, which is obviously the most important part.  The hot flash-forwards were awesome, and Derek being cutesy calling Stiles Baby and Sweetheart just melted my heart.  I'm only taking off half a star because it was a little long.  I got to a point where I just kept thinking:  OK.  Get on with it already.  Admit you like each other and let the heat begin.  I think that's because of the flash-forwards.  They were really hot, but I think I needed a little more romance.

This is Ridiculous - Zosofi

Interesting take on unicorns.  I'm a sucker for animals, so I was upset that the author made the thing seem remorseful and sad at the end.

Stepbrother Billionaire - Colleen Masters

Maybe my expectations were too high for this one, but nothing about this book worked for me. The step-siblings supposedly hated each other, but once they actually spoke to each other... wait... for... it... they've loved the other one since they first saw them, but they just can't be together because their parents are together. They even plotted a way to be together before their parents' marriage, so that they wouldn't be siblings. Quite a few of the characters brought up incest and them being together but siblings being wrong. Ummmm... they are step-siblings. Not related by blood, so I'm not sure where the incest/sibling issue comes in?

The parents are a mess and end up anulling their marriage after a break up the day after their wedding. Seriously?! Step bro Emerson storms out never to be heard from again, or at least until fate brings them back together to work at the same company 8 years later. Of course, they get right back together, even though they haven't been in contact since their parents split up, but they've been pining away. Emerson is her boss at the new company, which gets them into trouble. I mean really... who's working at that company? A bunch of HS kids? They giggle, whisper, and say rude comments because the new girl and her boss are together?! Yes I know office gissip and people really do talk and wonder about things like this, but no one is rude to the people, and if it's really a problem, it gets brought to HR. And even the CE of the company is childish and obnoxious. No idea how he goes from Mr. Cool, call me Cooper, to a guy who won't even listen to their story. So she gets fired on her second day of work, but... shock of a lifetime... Emerson is a billionaire, so they just start their own company, make more billions and live HEA.

How To Tame Your Human - Moku

This was just too long, and the switching from names and pronouns to woman, man, old man, werewolf, boy, etc. just drove me nuts. It sometimes made it hard for me to know who was being thought/talked about. And I felt more like Derek was a father figure to Stiles than a lover since his brain was like a child's when Derek found him and brought him home.

Knot Again - prettylittlementirosa

Hot and sweet Sterek short!

Occam's Razor - MissAnnThropic

I enjoyed most of this story, but Stiles holding back got old after a while.  If the story was a bit shorter, I think it would have been a fave of mine.  And while the ending was a little frustrating because it's not spelled out, I loved it!

The Threat of Human Sacrifice

The Threat of Human Sacrifice - vampireisthenewblack 3.5 stars

Dude, Werewolves

Dude, Werewolves - mysecretashes 4.5 stars. I loved this one. There was some unexpected, yet awesome dirty talk, and Derek had just the right level of sappiness. I hate when he's portrayed as overly emotional/romantic/sappy cuz it just kills the whole alpha male/wolf thing.

Making Nice

Making Nice - Elizah J. Davis OK, so I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, but this one annoyed me and seemed to drag on. I'm annoyed that the two MCs didn't just talk to each other when they had issues. I know neither knew how the other ACTUALLY felt, but when Blake would get pissed, he's fight with Ryan, then just drop it, and Ryan was dumb enough to just let it go too. I dunno... it just really bugged me. I thought Ryan was harsh at the end and Blake's oh poor me routine got really old.

That Which You Cannot Undo

That Which You Cannot Undo - uraneia I had to laugh out loud at the flatulence teas. I'm not a huge fan of Derek being as meek as he comes across in this one, but I greatly enjoyed this one anyway.

Bent Over By the Bear: Tale of a Twink's First Adventure

Bent Over By the Bear: Tale of a Twink's First Adventure - Arielle Pierce I had trouble with Peter taking Alex's virginity in a jeep on the side of the road, and I'm pretty sure he was wearing a condom when they started, but by the end of the sex scene, he was bare?! But I enjoyed it, so I'm continuing with the series.


Twice-Caught - Syd McGinley I liked how things ended except for the whole Aran, Jonas and Jadon thing. I hate that they had to leave and take Jadon with them, and they also had to ensure Jadon's care. I'm with Tarin... why not let him die? It's what he deserves!

Snowman With Benefits

Snowman With Benefits - Marshall Thornton Cute holiday short. Was a little too short for me.

Out of the Woods

Out of the Woods - Syd McGinley The book was a little long, but overall, I really enjoyed it. Tarin was such a brat but so funny, and I loved how he ended up claiming Beak-face even though he never wanted to or intended to. When he told Beak-face that Edon ordered Tarin to give him head cuz he felt guilty, that was too sweet!

I'm so excited for Edon and Ofer! Ofer deserves a good man. And I hope Jadon gets what's coming to him in the next book.